Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Current distribution calculations

Antenna design and simulations

Sensor modeling

RCS & Bi-RCS computations

Current distributions on metallic plates

Inverse scattering simulations

Radargrams of buried pipes

Experimental inverse scattering

Borehole measurements


Multiple Scattering Imaging




1. Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC)

The fast Illinois solver code (FISC) is a collaborative effort between the Center for Computational Electromagnetics and DEMACO to put together and industrial strength code that can solve for the radiation and scattering of electromagnetic field by and in the vicinity of complex structures.

At this point, it can calculate for the scattering solution (RCS) from complex targets like aircraft, tanks, cars, etc. It uses a multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) developed at the University of Illinois.

The problem is formulated using the method of moments (MoM), where the RWG ( Raw, Wilton, and Glisson) basis functions are used. The resultant matrix equation is solved iteratively by the conjugate gradient (CG) method. The multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) is used to speed up the matrix-vector multiplication in CG. Both complexities for the CPU time per iteration and memory requirements are of O(N log N), where N is the number of unknowns. A 2.4 million unknown problem can therefore be solved in a few hours on the SGI CRAY Origin 2000 at NCSA of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Ordering information about the code can be found from DEMACO.

Complexity of FISC

To test the complexity of this algorithm, the electromagnetic scattering from a conducting sphere si computed using the combined field integral equations (CFIE) on SGI Power Challenge (single processor, 2GB of memory). The diameter of the sphere varies from 1.5 wavelength to 24 wavelength. The number of unknowns (N) ranges from 2,352 to 602,112, while the number of levels in MLFMA is from 3 to 7. The CPU time per iteration is close to 8.5x10-5 N log N and the memory requirement is close to 2.7x10-3 N.

CPU time and memory requirement as a function of N

Solving Large and Complex Structures on Supercomputers

The first simulation example is the computation of the current distribution on the VFY218 plane at 2 GHz. The plane wave is incident 30 degree from the nose, and is vertically polarized. AT 3 GHz, the VFY218 with inlet sealed is 155 wavelength long, and is refined to 2,032,518 unknowns. The problem can be solved on Origin 2000 with 8 processors, 6.6 GB of memory, and 13 hours of CPU time.

Current distribution on the VFY218 at 2 GHz.

The largest object that has been tested is a conducting sphere of 48 wavelength diameter at 7.2 GHz (2,408,448 unknowns, eight-level MLFMA). A total of 8 processors and 5GB of memory are used in an Origin 2000 at NCSA, University of Illinois. The problem takes 5 hours of CPU time to complete the computation. The current version of FISC is parallelized for SGI CRAY shared memory machines without changing the data structure. Our result show good agreement with the Mie-Series solution. The following Figure presents the Bistatic RCS computations for such a sphere.

Bistatic RCS of a 1-meter sphere

Capability of handling various kinds of boundary conditions

In the following example, a 1983 Chevrolet Camaro has been modeled. Most parts are modeled as PEC while the window glasses are modeled as thin dielectric sheets (TDS) and the tires are modeled with an IBC. The geometry is available in VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) format. The incident field is generated by a Hertzain dipole shown in the following Figure.

1983 Chevrolet Camaro

Current distribution on the 1983 Camaro at 1GHz

The above work is a collaboration between Dr. Jiming Song, Dr. Cai-cheng Lu, Prof. Weng Cho Chew and Dr. Shung-wu Lee. Major funding comes from DOD MURI Program. Please send suggestions, comments, and inquiries to: song@sunchew.ece.uiuc.edu.

2. Mixed Surface-Wire-Junction Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm

The multilevel fast multipole algorithm (MLFMA) has been successfully applied to electromagnetic scattering problems of large complex objects. By adding wire and surface-wire junction basis functions into the existing algorithm, radiation problems of complex surfaces and wire interconnections can be solved within the complexity of O(N log N), where N is the number of unknowns. This extension has several new applications, such as analysis of automobile antennas, aircraft antennas, and electromagnetic compatibility of desktop computers. The comparisons between MLFMA and the method of moments (MoM) show that MLFMA uses less simulation time and memory without losing numerical accuracy. Thus, analysis of antennas within a complex environment can be realized on a small computer. The following results are computed by the combination of the Fast Illinois Solver Code (FISC) and SWJ3D (a general-purposed three dimensional moment method code for surfaces, wires and junctions).

Monopole antenna attached to a metallic plate

These first results test the wire and surface-wire junction basis functions of the new algorithm.

Normalized current distribution


Monopole antenna attached to a car

The mesh has 2,452 unknowns. The method of moments takes 33 minutes of CPU time and 55MB of memory on a Dec Alpha personal workstation. With two-level fast multipole method, we just need 3.4 minutes of CPU time and 46MB of memory. A delta voltage source is put on the junction between the monopole antenna and the trunk. With isotropic radiation pattern in the horizontal plane, the antenna can receive uniformly from every direction.

Normalized current distribution at 88 MHz (FM radio band)

RCS at 88 MHz (FM radio band)

Monopole array attached to a wing

The mesh has 1,290 unknowns. With the method of moments, we need 332 sec. of CPU time and 128MB of memory on a DEC Alpha personal workstation. With two-level fast multipole method, we only need 54 sec. of CPU time and 21.5MB of memory. A delta voltage source is put at the junction between the shortest wire and the wing. Most of the energy is absorbed by the fourth shortest wire due to the resonance. The rest of the radiation is reflected from the fuselage. Thus the current pattern is like a standing wave at the left side of the source. The radiation pattern has two main beams radiating 30 degress upward and downward from the wing.

Normalized current distribution at 88 MHz (FM radio band)

Normalized current distribution at 90 MHz (VHF band)

EMC analysis of a desktop computer

The following Figures show the triangular-patch mesh used to model the boards and the case of the desktop computer.

Chassis discretization - 3D Front View

Motherboard and daughter cards discretization - 3D Back View

Motherboard discretization - Top View

The internal and external views for two structure with respectively 8 and 16 ground pins between the shielding card and the motherboard are shown on the following four Figures.

External view of the normalized current distribution with 8 ground pins

Internal view of the normalized current distribution with 8 ground pins

Top internal view of the normalized current distribution with 8 ground pins

External view of the normalized current distribution with 16 ground pins

Internal view of the normalized current distribution with 16 ground pins

Top internal view of the normalized current distribution with 16 ground pins

The delta voltage source (2 GHz) is located on a wire which connects the source card and the motherboard. By adding a shielding card with ground pins, we can effectively reduce the electromagnetic emission from the slot on the chassis. The periodic current distribution on the motherboard illustrates the resonance of the chassis.

The following two Figures show the radiation patterns of the desktop computer when the internal voltage source is on.

Radiation patterns with 8 ground pins

Radiation patterns with 16 ground pins

The energy radiated from the 16-pin structure is twice as much as the energy radiated from the 8-pin structure. Thus, it appears that a better shielding effect can be achieved with more ground pins, and more particularly at specific frequency values, as it is shown on the last Figure.

Radiated power for different configurations as a function of frequency.

The above work is a collaboration of Hsueh-yung Chao, Prof. Weng Cho Chew, Prof. Eric Michielssen and Dr. Jiming Song. Please send suggestions, comments, and inquiries to: chao@sunchew.ece.uiuc.edu.